Truth & Kitty Film Teaser
A short teaser film before the official trailer is released in October 2021.
Truth & Kitty website is now live
In anticipation of Truth & Kitty, David’s first documentary feature film, being entered into this years run of film festivals, a dedicated website has been launched which will host updates and key information about the film. Head over to the website to keep up-to-date.
DDB Exhibit | Trump's Wall
A lovely 5 foot print being exhibited at DDB in London of a rather curious border wall prototype in San Diego.

Truth & Kitty Transcripts
Some of the hundreds of pages of transcripts from Fremont – The story of Truth & Kitty as it nears completion in editing at the wonderful Assembly Rooms in Soho

Feature in Columbia Journalism Review
So nice to get this recognition from the people who hand out the Pulitzers. Click HERE to read the article.