127 Souls

One week before the election 2020.

I’ve long held a fascination with US elections and those at a great distance from Washington.
Mina, Nevada- a town of 127 people is a long way from anywhere. One week before the election 2020.

The Atomic Age

One of the most destructive and important happenings of the twentieth century

The Manhattan Project was one of the most destructive and important happenings of the twentieth century. A giant secret undertaking to build the worlds first atomic bomb during the Second World War . These photographs depict three aspects of the dawn of the Atomic Age.

The training airfield in Wendover, Utah. This is where the crew trained and the now near derelict hanger that once housed the Enloa Gay B29 aircraft still stands.

The Trinity site in New Mexico’s Jornada del Muerto desert where the first ever nuclear device was detonated in July 1945 as a test a few weeks before the bombing of Hiroshima in Japan. The heat generated turned sand to glass and made a substance called Trinitite still found on the government restricted site.

Enola Gay crew member Morris R Jeppson at his home shortly before his death.

Project Archive

18 pictures of the King of Jordan

You can never travel far in Jordan (or anywhere in the Middle East for that matter) without seeing the iconography of the of the Leader.
In this case three Kings – past, present and future.

In Honour Of

A President, a General, a musician; in fact anybody can have something named after them it seems. Not always something that you might necessarily want either…